Update: Reaction to the new relaxations as of 11 May in the state of emergency relating to the university

Monday 4. May 2020, 9:45

The Czech Government is proceeding with further adjustments in its position regarding relaxation of the state of emergency in reaction to the spread of the Covid-19 virus. This applies to universities, and as of 11 May, students of all class-years can return to the university, in groups of max. 15 students. This limit to the number of students in a group does not apply to clinical or practical instruction or internships.

UP Management is understandably taking these changes into consideration and will soon react and inform the UP community of all relaxations and further adjustments to the emergency measures. All final decisions on changes to the university timetable and the further course of the semester are nevertheless and from henceforth solely in the hands of individual faculties; UP management will not set blanket rules in this respect.

At the same time, however, UP management is calling upon individual faculties and workplaces to carefully consider and intelligibly communicate any and all changes in current methodology and organisation, in order for the priority to remain on the stability and transparency of systemic solutions (especially as regards graduating classes and applicants at entrance exams).

The given relaxations being handed down from the Czech Ministry of Education are offered up as possibilities – in no way requirements – and it will be necessary to weigh the need and necessity of all steps with regards to the specifics of individual faculties and the situation of students who could have further difficulties with smooth transport to the Czech Republic. Together, we will try to make the close of the semester, the exams, state exams and entrance exams run as transparently and fairly as possible – and for students as calmly as possible.

On the basis of yesterday’s Government Resolution No. 491/2020 (in Czech), UP Vice-Rector for Studies Vít Zouhar is introducing updated measures, which follow up on the information from the rector in his meeting of 30 April 2020.

Although as of 11 May regular classes and exams can resume with the attendance of up to 15 students + the teacher/examiner, we recommend that that possibility be used only in those subjects which cannot be held on-line.

Subjects which are already taught on-line will be concluded for the most part on-line. This also applies to exams – including final Bachelor’s exams, thesis defences, and final Master’s exams – which are already planned to be held on-line.

As of 11 May 2020, these will be the new measures in effect at UP:

  1. State degree exams, state doctoral exams, thesis defenses and consultations will still take place from 20 April 2020:
    1. on-line, especially when it is not possible to conduct the exams in person (when it would threaten the health of the examiner(s) or students, due to the limited movement within and to and from the Czech Republic, etc.);
    2. in person, meanwhile respecting all safety measures connected with the state of emergency (max. 15 students, two-metres’ physical distance, breathing passages covered, etc.), and the rules of Emergency Law No. 188/2020; organisation of Bachelor’s exams, defenses, Master’s exams and consultations will take place on the faculty and department levels.
  2. Consultations and classes for students of all class-years are possible from 11 May 2020:
    1. on-line, as is being done;
    2. in person, up to max. 15 students, especially in subjects whose character does not make on-line teaching possible, meanwhile respecting all safety measures (max. 15 students, two-metres’ physical distance, breathing passages covered, etc.), the organisation of which will take place on the faculty and department levels.
  3. Clinical and practical classes and internships are still possible, without any changes since the announcement of 27 April 2020
  4. Mass lectures for all class-years will continue to take place only on-line (on-line), until further notice.
  5. Final exams, class credit exams, and fulfilment of other study requirements for all class years will similarly take place according to the announcement of 27 April 2020:
    1. on-line, especially when it is not possible to conduct the exams in person (when it would threaten the health of the examiner(s) or students, limited movement within and to and from the Czech Republic, etc.);
    2. in person, with a maximum of 15 students, meanwhile respecting all safety measures connected with the state of emergency (two-metres’ physical distance, breathing passages covered, etc.), and the rules of Special Law No. 188/2020; organisation will take place on the faculty and department levels.
  6. Entrance exams will take place on-line at faculties where possible.

Furthermore, the following is valid:
Students can take part in classes, exams, and/or other activities at the university as long as they obey the following conditions:

  • they are without acute health problems associated with the viral infection (e.g. fever, cough, shortness of breath, sudden loss of appetite or smell, etc.),
  • they disinfect their hands at the entrance to the examination room; disinfectant supplies will be provided by the university,
  • they are not at that time themselves under quarantine, and
  • they provide a signed, written oath that they do not exhibit any symptoms of the viral infection.

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