Brainstorming with Welcome Office (30 November)

Illustrative photo: Martin Višňa
Tuesday 22. November 2022, 12:24


In October 2022, an opening ceremony of Palacký University Welcome Office took place. Our task is to help all the foreign visitors, students and academics to find their way around the university, as well as the Olomouc city.

However, because we are very new in the university infrastructure, we want to make sure that what we do is what is needed. Therefore, we are looking specifically for Erasmus students, foreign Degree students and foreign academics who would like to help us improve our services for foreigners!

If you are interested, please register with submitting this form. The number of participants is limited to altogether 15 people. Please, do not forget to check our website to see what services we offer as of now, and what can you recommend us to add! 

Date: November 30th 2022

Time: 16:00–18:00

Adress: Welcome Office, Vodární 601/6, Olomouc

Registration form


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