Four academics vie to be Palacký University rector

Photo: Žurnál Online
Tuesday 23. February 2021, 11:11 – Text: Ivana Pustějovská

Martin Kudláček from the Faculty of Physical Culture, Jiří Lach from the Faculty of Arts, Tomáš Opatrný from the Faculty of Science, and Martin Procházka from the Faculty of Health Sciences: this is the quartet of candidates vying to become the next rector of Palacký University.

“The special election commission of the Palacký University Academic Senate (AS UP) for elections for UP rector, at its meeting on 23 February 2021, verified the candidate nominations received to date for rector of UP. In conjunction with the resolution on announcing elections, it compiled this official list of candidates for UP rector (listed alphabetically), said senator Jiří Langer, head of the commission.

Alphabetical list of candidates for UP rector

Prof Mgr. Martin Kudláček, Ph.D.

Prof PhDr. Jiří Lach, M.A., Ph.D.

Prof. RNDr. Tomáš Opatrný, Dr.

Prof Martin Procházka, MD, Ph.D.

Source: AS UP

All information relating to elections for Palacký University rector for the period 2021–2025 is available on a special webpage.


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