A thank you note from UP Rector Jaroslav Miller

Photo: Svatopluk Klesnil
Wednesday 24. June 2020, 15:36

Dear Colleagues, Dear Students,

This academic year has been unprecedented in many ways and beyond all doubt more demanding than the years before. Practically throughout the entire summer term, life at our university was paralysed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; the core value was flexibility and creativity of both individuals and individual university departments.

I am glad that we have passed through this difficult period successfully, although we have yet to catch up with teaching, state exams, and graduations, and the economic damage will not be negligible. I am proud that we have been able to adapt and even learn something new. Nevertheless, the past months have been exhausting and strenuous.

I want to thank you all for your efforts, collaboration, and tolerance. Let me wish you a wonderful summer holiday, many amazing experiences, and most of all, plenty of rest.

Jaroslav Miller 


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