Holiday greetings of the Rector of Palacký University

Photo: Jakub Čermák
Thursday 30. June 2022, 8:00

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The end of the academic year is approaching, and the time of holidays and summer vacations is beginning. It is also a good opportunity for me to thank you for your work over the past semester. We have had another challenging period, which has been influenced by both the covid pandemic and the war conflict in Ukraine. I am confident that we have all handled it more than with honour.

Before last year's holidays, I wished us all that we could meet face to face again in the next academic year. I am delighted that this has been possible thanks to all of you, thanks to our joint efforts, our flexible reactions in the face of constantly changing conditions, our efforts to find solutions, and our responsible approach to all measures.

The real pride I felt was in the moments when we came together as a university and got involved in helping Ukraine, which is affected by the war. I consider the activities developed in this sense by our Volunteering Centre, individual faculties and other parts of UP to be a great example of how our university can subscribe in words and deeds to democratic principles and humanitarian ideals so crucial for maintaining balance in human society.

The period of summer holidays and vacations is upon us, and I would like to wish you many pleasant moments spent with your loved ones. Enjoy the sunny days and moments of well-deserved rest. At the same time, take care of yourselves during your summer travels so that we can reunite safely no later than the beginning of the new academic year.

I wish you all a wonderful summer!

Martin Procházka


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