Brief overview: travelling to work/studies, home office, mandatory respirators, vaccinations, testing, etc.

Wednesday 3. March 2021, 10:57

With regards to rapid developments and new, updated government measures and procedures, we have summarised the most basic information relating to the organisation of work and student life at UP. In case of any questions or if something is not clear, do not hesitate to write us at

Working from home (home office)

With respect to the development of the epidemic situation and the new government measures going into effect as of 1 March, the UP Rector is asking deans, managers, and department heads to urge workers to work from home wherever possible, and whenever their agendas and workloads allow it. Work from home agreement form can be found here.

Travelling to work and studies during county-specific lockdown

On Monday, 1 March, new anti-epidemic measures limiting the movement of persons between Czech counties go into effect (valid until 28 March). There are exceptions allowing travel to work and studies; when crossing county lines for this purpose it will be necessary to show the proper completed form. Details.

Exceptions to the lockdown also apply to students travelling from Slovakia, who regularly cross the Czech border at least once a week. These students are still allowed to travel to Olomouc for absolutely necessary study requirements under the government measures if they satisfy certain conditions. Details

Respirators mandatory as of 1 March

From Monday, 1 March, on the basis of the new government measure, wearing a respirator or similar personal protection equipment will be mandatory inside UP spaces. Please follow this rule and respect your colleagues. The purchase of respirators and their distribution among employees is being carried out by individual faculties and other university divisions.

Testing of employees for Covid-19

Detailed information regarding the mandatory testing of employees for Covid-19 can be found here.

Vaccinations for academic workers

Information regarding ongoing negotiations for vaccinating UP employees against Covid-19 and other deatils can be found here.

Teaching regime at UP

The announcement of a new State of Emergency (valid until 28 March) and the updated measures in no way change the teaching regime at Palacký University. The summer semester will continue to be held for the most part on-line. Details and the current measures in place for universities can be found in this overview.

UP Library

University library operations at the Zbrojnice/Armoury and all its branches will continue from 1 March in the non-contact “lending window” regime. Details are available on the library webpages.

UP Dining

The hours of operation and regime in place at UP dining halls and FreshUP bistros remains unchanged, despite the new government measures in effect since 1 March. The current opening hours are available here.


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