Regime at UP as of 13 September 2021 in relation to Covid-19, including the Rector’s recommendations (updated 14 Sept)

Tuesday 14. September 2021, 16:26

In conjunction with the persistent presence of Covid-19, the text which follows will summarise the current valid measures relating to Palacký University, including the supplemental

recommendations of UP Rector Martin Procházka, which are HIGHLIGHTED below.

We will update the measures and follow-up recommendations on an ongoing basis, as the situation warrants.

Respiratory protection

In accordance with the emergency measures of the Czech Ministry of Health dated 30 July 2021 (in Czech) including the modifications introduced by the emergency measures of the Czech Ministry of Health dated 27 August 2021 (in Czech), as of 31 July 2021 until further notice, movement and presence is prohibited without respiratory protection (i.e. a respirator or similar device, always without an exhalation valve), satisfying, at the very least, all technical requirements (for the device), including filtration efficacy of at least 94% according to the relevant norms (e.g. FFP2, KN 95) for all persons in interior spaces of the university, in interior spaces of dining services, during attendance at conferences, educational activities and at exams held in person.

Respiratory protection can be removed:

  • by students and academics during educational activities whose character does not allow for respiratory protection (especially physical education, singing, playing wind instruments);
  • students during classes who are sitting at desks or otherwise seated;

    for reasons aimed at eliminating the risk of spreading Covid-19 at UP, the UP Rector is recommending all UP students to use prescribed (intended) respiratory protection throughout the entire duration of their studies;

  • likewise teaching staff and academics when teaching;

    for reasons aimed at eliminating the risk of spreading Covid-19 at UP, the UP Rector is recommending all UP teachers who for exceptional reasons are not using respiratory protection during their classes to maintain at least 1.5 metres’ distance from students if the classroom layout allows for it;

  • those taking and those giving exams should maintain a distance of at least 1.5 metres between themselves;

    for reasons aimed at eliminating the risk of spreading Covid-19 at UP, the UP Rector is recommending all those taking part in exams to use respiratory protection during exams;

  • by students when residing in their dorm rooms (i.e. outside of common areas);
  • by persons during the time of their work at their workplace or while carrying out similar activities when performing those activities in one room without the presence of another person (excepting co-workers), unless the employer on the basis of adopted and implemented hygienic, technical, organisational and other measures to prevent risk states otherwise;

    the UP Rector recommends all UP employees to use respiratory protection in UP interior spaces with the exception of when in their own offices;

  • by persons when performing creative work (e.g. theatrical, dance, or musical performances), persons lecturing and persons taking part in the creation and production of audiovisual works or programmes;
  • by persons taking part in radio, television, and other such programmes;
  • by customers at dining services premises when consuming food and drink, with the condition that they are sitting at a table;
  • by persons outside of dining services premises for the time strictly necessary to eat and drink;
  • by persons for the time strictly necessary to take their portrait photo(s).

Mass academic ceremonies, cultural and social events (matriculation and graduation ceremonies, social and sporting events)

At mass academic ceremonies, such as matriculations and graduations, and at cultural, social, and sporting events, where more than twenty people are taking part at a given time, it is necessary to fulfil the requirements of the Czech Ministry of Health emergency measures dated 26 August 2021 (in Czech), i.e. it is necessary to ascertain that the attendees are infection-free (the “O-N-T” system: Vaccination, Past Disease, Test).

When necessary, public testing sites should be used at University Hospital Olomouc, Galerie Šantovka, the Haná shopping complex, and the Olympia shopping complex.

The measures cited however do not apply to universities in accordance with Law No. 111/1998 Czech Law Coll. on Universities. According to the Law on Universities, attendance at educational activities does not require proof that one is infection-free.

The UP Rector however recommends that teachers inform students about the importance of being infection-free before the start of scheduled teaching activities.

Accommodation at dormitories

These rules are currently in effect regarding accommodation at dormitories, according to the emergency measures of the Czech Ministry of Health dated 20 August 2021 (in Czech).

Arrivals from abroad

Rules for students and academics arriving from abroad


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