Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences have a representative to advocate on their behalf

Jiří Kozel.
Photo: J. K. archives
Wednesday 27. January 2021, 8:00 – Text: Martin Višňa

Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences (UP FHS) can turn to a newly appointed student representative with suggestions that are not always related to their education. This is a new way of communication between students and the faculty management. Jiří Kozel, a future Mgr. candidate in Imaging Technologies and Radiodiagnostics, became the first student representative.

The position of the student representative for the internal needs of the faculty was established by the FHS Academic Senate at its meeting in October. At the end of the year, the members of the FHS Student Association selected the most suitable candidate for this position.

“The role of the student representative is to mediate study and non-study issues related to the faculty that need to be resolved with the management quickly and effectively and do not need to be addressed in the Academic Senate or through evaluation. The student representative should be able to prioritize the issues and route them to the appropriate personnel for review and suggestions of corrective measures. He will report on his tasks to the senators,” said Lukáš Merz, the Chairman of the FHS Academic Senate.

Jiří Kozel will hold the position of the student representative until the completion of his Master`s degree in Imaging Technologies and Radiodiagnostics. “I would like to thank my colleagues from the Student Association for my nomination and the faculty management for approval of my position. In my opinion, this position is important because it creates a possible channel of communication between students and the faculty management,” he said.

“The main point for students is to know whom to turn to if they cannot resolve issues on their own. The student representative guarantees anonymity and offers students a platform to express their suggestions for improvements that are further presented to the faculty for consideration. My personal goal is to encourage students to improve the environment of our faculty and remove their barriers to promote changes that would positively influence their learning experience,” said Jiří Kozel adding that he wants to focus on an issue of teaching assessment and feedback.

The Dean of the FHS Martin Procházka welcomes not only the appointment of the student representative but also other activities of the FHS Student Association, such as the ongoing Duel of Faculties in Blood Donation. “I am very glad that the Student Association commenced their activities. The faculty gained a valuable partner in the newly elected student representative. To be aware of students’ opinions is extremely important for the development of the faculty and the improvement of the quality of teaching. The student representative, together with the senators, is an important part of the broader management of the faculty. We always take students’ opinions seriously and try to respond consistently and promptly,” he said.

FHS students can send suggestions to their representative by e-mail at


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