UP succeeds in Erasmus+ mobility programme

Illustrational photo: Pixabay.com
Wednesday 24. August 2022, 12:04 – Text: (red)

Palacký University Olomouc has been very successful in Erasmus+ mobility projects. In the next two years, within the Erasmus+ KA131 programme alone, another 540 students will be able to attend study stays or practical internships in EU countries, while 180 employees will be eligible for teaching stays and training.

The project covers trips to all EU countries and associated countries such as Norway, Turkey, Serbia, and others. “UP has received a grant of €2,001,673 in the Erasmus+ KA131 programme and a grant of €1,203,337 in the Erasmus+ KA171 (International Credit Mobility) programme,” said Jitka Králová, Head of the UP Mobility Office.

“In the International Credit Mobility project, 24 of the 28 countries requested by Palacký University in its application have been approved, so over the next three years, UP will be able to exchange up to 344 students and staff with institutions in countries such as Canada, Georgia, Israel, Japan, the USA, and even Ghana, Kenya, Seychelles, Tanzania, and Zambia,” added Yvona Vyhnánková, who coordinates Erasmus+ programmes at UP.

Both successful projects significantly expand the possibilities of international mobilities and bring new collaboration opportunities for the university itself as well as its students and staff. “Receiving more than €3,205,000 to support mobility is a great success. However, the implementation of the programme will also be a great challenge, because the world has barely recovered from the covid pandemic, yet it has to face new global challenges,” said Dalibor Mikuláš, Head of the UP Internationalisation Division.


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