Spring is knocking on the door, and flowers are blossoming in every corner of the city. A slightly chilly wind is out there, gently touching people as they walk by. It is hard not to be in a good mood in this heartwarming environment. Day by day, it gets sunnier and warmer—just like the locals of Olomouc. The long-awaited spring is slowly but surely making her entrance. In this season of renewal, I feel even prouder to be a freshman ambassador at Univerzita Palackého.
A Vibrant Semester and Dorm Life
This semester has been amazing, filled with many things to pursue and indulge in. That is to say, I am truly enjoying it. I attend my classes—at least one a day. After class, I usually have a training session. When I return, I take a shower, cook, run errands, and chat with people in the dormitories.
The dorms, especially at Generála Svobody, are a vibrant social hub. They are filled with colorful individuals from all around the world, mainly Erasmus students. You never stop being amazed, and boredom is never an issue. There is always something to do if you enjoy company and diverse cultures. Living here is a precious, once-in-a-lifetime experience—one that teaches you so much.
A Groundbreaking AI Project
There is a mind-blowing project underway in our department. We are developing AI-driven software that personalizes historical and contemporary figures—patented straight away in the U.S. It is an exciting collaboration between our university and private companies.
What is even more intriguing and personally relevant to me is that we have a class where we gain hands-on experience with linguistic applications in daily life and contribute to this project with a team of our choice. So far, I have been working on Atatürk and 2Pac personas alongside many of my classmates. I only hope to see our contributions integrated into the real project one day, raising awareness of these figures—two of my idols. However, I am unsure how 2Pac’s unique language and style will fit within the constraints and guidelines in terms of user-friendliness. But overall, it’s all part of the learning experience.
Job Opportunities and Career Aspirations
It seems like there are many job openings all at once these days. One of them, which I miserably failed at, was being a contact person for participants at a fair. I failed so badly that I realized I urgently need to polish my Czech language skills. I started exploring other options and found one of the coolest manual jobs available—something close enough to Formula 1 races. Now, I’m waiting for their response, crossing every finger I possibly can.
Another opportunity came from my favorite professor, who emailed me about new vacancies at the Grant Office. I applied, and we scheduled an appointment for Wednesday. Last but certainly not least, I am also waiting for a job assignment at an IT company for my summer internship. The next few weeks will be crucial for me.
Chasing Dreams and Overcoming Setbacks
All of these opportunities fuel my daily motivation. I have also applied for Erasmus and am about to begin the application process. I highly recommend doing so—more people, more interests, and more activities lead to a broader network in an ocean of possibilities, which, in turn, leads to even more opportunities. And one thing I’ve learned from my mother is to never accept rejection but to push forward until I achieve my goals.
If you ever feel stuck—whether as a local or a foreigner in Olomouc—just take a break for a couple of days. It is well known that inspiration often comes in the moments when we least expect it, at our lowest points of aspiration for the thing we crave the most.
Stay with love.
The Ambassador Program of the Welcome Office is an initiative that enables international students at Palacký University Olomouc to engage across all faculties, offering peer support in academic matters, university integration, and cultural exchange. Ambassadors assist fellow students in navigating their studies, adapting to university and city life, and fostering a vibrant multicultural environment. They actively participate in cultural days and events, share best practices, collaborate on projects, and share their academic and personal experiences. Ambassadors also organize social events and facilitate effective communication between students, faculties, and the rectorate of Palacký University. If you are interested in seizing the opportunity to become our next ambassador, you can register here.