Explanation of the particulars of “Suspension of Physical Classes at UP”

Wednesday 11. March 2020, 11:20 – Text: OK

Please read the details and particulars of the suspension of physical classes at Palacký University Olomouc, which came into force on 11 March 2020 in conjunction with a special government measure.

Physical class at UP are understood to be especially:

  • lectures;
  • exercises;
  • seminars; 
  • courses; 
  • internships; 
  • lab work; 
  • excursions;
  • consultations;

and also the following:

  • credit tests and quizzes;
  • oral exams;
  • exams (i.e. regular exams, state degree exams, state doctoral exams, state ‘rigorous’ exams, oral defences of theses, dissertations, etc.).

In conjunction with the suspension of physical classes at UP, it is necessary in the case of students of any type of study programme to distinguish the activities incurred in the role of “student” and those in the role of “staff” or “employee”. The measures undertaken by UP management thus apply only to the above-mentioned demonstrative list of forms of physical classes (the role of “student”). In case of doubt regarding the legitimacy of the activity, it is always necessary to incline toward the option that the given activity will not be carried out.

It is thus up to the decision of the workplace supervisor whether the work assigned to an employee in the role of “employee” or “staff” is absolutely necessary at present.

In cases where UP students participate in physical classes or instruction or another kind of activity outside UP in conjunction with a different organisation (the Czech Academy of Science, for instance), then they fall under the rules of that institution. UP is authorised to influence activities and affairs only on UP premises.

Be aware that the above information can be updated on an ongoing basis due to the developing situation, so please monitor the web page at upol.cz/en/covid-19 regularly.


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