Invitation for Copernicus Master in Digital Earth (CDE) student sponsorship

Pondělí 26. únor 2024, 8:31

Following the success of the latest call for applications to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) “Copernicus Master in Digital Earth” we are sharing the invitation to your institution to take part in the success of students in this postgraduate degree programme as a sponsor!

The latest call for applications has been closed on January 10, 2024. The Selection Committee has nominated 23 fully funded students co-funded by the European Union. The number of eligible (short-listed) applicants, seeking a study place based on an Erasmus+ scholarship exceeds the number of students that can be accepted per cohort. We offer reserve-listed candidates the option to join the programme, as partner universities provide a total of 30 study places. 

The two-year full-time integrated European Master of Science programme aims at qualifying individuals to lead initiatives, projects, and institutions translating Copernicus data and Earth observation services (remote sensing and in-situ) into management decisions within a broader Digital Earth vision. We empower students through academic education by fostering their leadership in EO*GI to address key societal challenges, from climate change to digital transformation. Copernicus Master in Digital Earth, proudly co-funded by the European Union, is a full, unconditional international accredited Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) programme by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria). 

As detailed hereafter, several packages have been tailored to offer a variety of sponsoring opportunities. For any questions regarding sponsoring or if you are interested in any specific option, you are kindly invited to contact the Selection Committee of the Master of Science programme at Please find attached a proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding.

We propose the following sponsorships options per student:

  • PLATIN Sponsor: EUR 29.000,- 
  • GOLD Sponsor: EUR 15.000,- 
  • SILVER Sponsor: EUR 12.000,- 
  • BRONZE Sponsor: EUR 5.000,-

Please refer to more information on this website and in this presentation.

We hope that you will respond positively to the invitation and become an ambassador to this unique study programme where the potential of Copernicus data and information for education and research are fully exploited in use cases and work placements, internships, and in the Master’s Thesis research projects.

Sponsorship valuation for your institution

A student sponsorship allows a sponsor to attract and develop talented students, either possibly attracting them as employees later or jointly translating your research interests and needs into practice during e.g., work placements, internships or Master’s Thesis research. It will display your social responsibility and services, reinforce your image, and create further visibility and awareness of your activities.

CDE determines the value of your sponsorship inventory and aims to define your sponsorship valuation formula with a list of potential benefits:

  • Participation in CDE project meetings, which allows us to interact with peers from academia, alumni, and associated partners and exchange first-hand information about EO*GI education trends.
  • Participation in workshops or summer schools.
  • First-hand access to Master’s Theses research and outcomes (publications), and student’s internship (work placement) reports.
  • Initiation of research and education projects at the international level with consortium and alumni.
  • Invitation as CDE guest lecturer.
  • Networking with consortium members, students, and alumni.

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