Non-EU Employees

Before arrival

Every non-EU citizen/Third-country national (in Czech: občan třetí země) must hold a residence permit or a visa if they want to perform work in the Czech Republic. Non-EU citizens can apply for a short-term/Schengen visa (for stays not longer than 90 days) or long-term residence permit (for stays longer than 90 days). 

Short-term stay/Schengen visa

It is a stay not exceeding 90 days within any 180 consecutive days. There are several purposes for a Schengen visa. Some countries have an exemption from the requirement to hold a visa, but this applies to tourist stays only, not to carrying out paid activities. The foreigner submits the application for a Schengen visa together with all the requirements to the embassy of the Czech Republic in their country. It is not possible to prolong the Schengen visa in the Czech Republic.

Long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research

Foreign nationals traveling to the Czech Republic to conduct a scientific research must apply for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research which guarantees the worker better conditions for staying in the Czech Republic and moving around the EU. The foreigner submits the application for long-term residence together with all the requirements to the embassy of the Czech Republic in the given country. Please note that it takes up to 60 days from the date of submission to process your application. Some extra time is needed to obtain a document similar to an extract from the Penal Register record. All the necessary documents must be originals or certified copies and in Czech language or officially translated into Czech. Moreover, an apostille or legalization must be attached to any documents issued by foreign public authorities. Official translations can usually be obtained at the embassy. More information on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Required Documents:

  • a hosting agreement,
  • a valid travel document,
  • a photograph,
  • a written commitment by the research organization that it will cover the costs relating to your residence in the Czech Republic after the residence permit expires, including the costs of   your departure from the Czech Republic if such costs have been incurred within six months from the date the hosting agreement ends and have been paid from public funds; and
  • filled-in application form.

Upon request, you are further obliged to submit: 

  • a document similar to an extract from the Penal Register Record,
  • a document proving the fulfilment of conditions set out in the measure of the Ministry of Health on prevention of the spread of infectious illnesses (Medical report).

Long-term Visa for the Purpose of Family Reunification

Required documents: 

Upon request, you are further obliged to submit: 

 Travel document, document confirming the purpose of stay, and registration documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate) shall be submitted in original. A certified copy is not sufficient for this purpose

If your application is approved, prior to affixing the visa, you are obliged to submit proof of medical travel insurance that corresponds to the specified conditions (not required if the foreign national is provided public health insurance, or if the costs for health care are covered on the basis of an international agreement, or if the foreign national can demonstrate that health care is covered in another manner), and, upon request, a document on paying the insurance presented in the proof of medical travel insurance. 

Long-term Residence Permit for the Purpose of Family Reunification

An application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification can be filed by a foreign national who is the spouse, minor child, or adult-dependent child of a foreign national in possession of a long-term or permanent residence permit. 

Required documents: 

  • Valid travel document,
  • Proof of accommodation,
  • Photograph,
  • Documentary evidence of the family relationship (if this concerns an application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with a person who has been granted asylum, the family relationship can be proven in another credible manner if submission of such a document is not possible), 
  • Parental consentor consent of any other statutory representatives or guardians of a child with the residence in the Czech Republic; parental consent, consent of other statutory representative or guardian is not required if it is the parent, statutory representative, or guardian who submitted the application for child or with whom the child together resides in the Czech Republic, and if the foreigner demonstrates, that he is unable to submit this agreement due to reasons beyond his/her control or if the child resides in the Czech Republic pursuant long-term visa or long-term resident permit for other purpose;
  • Proof of funds
  • Foreign national who has resided as a family member of a holder of an EU Blue Card in another EU Member State is further obliged to submit a document or a residence permit that was granted to him/her as a family member of a holder of an EU Blue Card by another EU Member State,
  • upon request an Extract from the Penal Register record,
  • Document proving the fulfillment of conditions set out in the measure of the Ministry of Health on the prevention of the spread of infectious illnesses (Medical report).
  • filled-in application form

The requirements for the application should not be older than 180 days except for the travel document, birth certificate, marriage certificate, and the photograph of the foreign national if it corresponds to his/her actual appearance. 

In the event of a positive processing of an application filed at an embassy, you are obliged to submit a document on travel medical insurance, valid from the time of entering the Czech Republic until you are covered by public health insurance; and, at the same time, upon request, submit a document on having paid the insurance premium. A long-term visa for the purpose of receiving a long-term residency permit can be issued by the embassy if you have a general visa requirement to enter the EU. If the application is filed inside the Czech Republic, submit these requirements right away. 

The time limit for issuing a decision on an application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification with a scientific researcher is 60 days. 

Employee card

Third-country nationals who are not eligible for scientific research permits should apply for an employee card. A foreign national, who has an employee card, is entitled to reside in the territory of the Czech Republic and, at the same time, to work in the job for which the employee card was issued. More information on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.

Required Documents:

  • a valid travel document,
  • proof of accommodation,
  • a photograph showing the current appearance of the foreign national,
  • a contract of employment, an agreement on work activity (or at least an agreement for a future contract where the parties agree to enter into a contract of employment or an agreement on work activity by an agreed deadline). These documents must contain a stipulation that provides that regardless of the scope of work, the agreed monthly salary will not be lower than the basic monthly minimum wage and that weekly working hours will be at least 15 hours,
  • documents proving the professional qualifications for the performance of the desired job, if this condition follows from the nature of the employment or an international agreement sets such a condition, particularly
  • a document proving the required education (such as a diploma); in justified cases, particularly if reasonable doubt exists as to whether you have the required education or whether your education is appropriate for the nature of employment, you will be obliged, at the request of an administrative authority, to prove and submit a document certifying that your foreign education has been recognized by the relevant authority of the Czech Republic,
  • a document proving the required professional qualifications, if such qualifications are required according to other legal regulations (for example a fork-lift truck operator license or the appropriate driving license for a tram/bus driver, etc.),
  • a document proving that you meet the requirements for performing an occupation referred to as “regulated occupation”, if your application concerns this kind of occupation; if you do not already hold such a document, you must apply to the relevant recognition authority of the Czech Republic for recognition of your professional qualifications, after filing the application for an employee card. Issuance of the employee card is contingent on your submission of an affirmative decision of the recognition authority,
  • filled-in application form,

Upon request, you are further obliged to submit: 

  • a document similar to an extract from the Penal Register Record,
  • document proving the fulfilment of conditions set out in the measure of the Ministry of Health on the prevention of the spread of infectious illnesses (Medical report).

Submission of the application for an employee card is charged with an administrative fee equal to 5,000 CZK.

It is always important to contact a person from the HR department to identify the correct permit. You can find information at the Ministry of the Interior Link.

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Upon arrival

If you are a new employee of Palacký University you have certain obligations towards local authorities as well as towards the university as an employer.

Registering Upon Arrival

Non-EU citizens are required to announce themselves to the Department of Asylum and Migration Police of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (OAMP MV ČR) or the Foreign Police within 3 days of first entering the Czech Republic and applying for a biometric residence card. A valid passport and an original or a notarised copy (recommended) of the lease contract in the Czech language are required to complete this process. Immediately upon receiving the residence permit card, it is necessary to submit a copy to the appropriate personnel department.

Announcing changes of personal details (surname, marital status, address, etc.) at the OAMP MV ČR is required by law. It is recommended to arrange an appointment by phone in advance.

Adaptation integration course

Every foreign national who was issued a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic is obliged to take the adaptation integration course within one year of the date of collecting their residence permit.

A foreigner with an approved long-term residence permit is allocated an identity number (rodné číslo). EU national is allocated an identity number when applying for a registration certificate. An identity number can be requested by Czech authorities e.g. when applying for a mortgage, registering a car, etc.


Addresses for registering:

For arrival registration, if you live in private accommodation inform the foreign police:

Address Smetanova 14, 779 00 Olomouc
Office Hours Monday and Wednesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Telephone +420 974 761 829

For arrival registration for employees who got the residence permit:

Write an e-mail to

Subject e-mail: first entry in CZ
Please specify your name, surname, date of birth, nationality, faculty, and date of arrival.
You will be given an appointment for biometrics. For communication, use your school e-mail (UPOL) account!

For registration, bring your national identity card or a passport (and visa) and your travel health insurance contract and confirmation of its payment to the address above (EU students bring their national health insurance card).

During residency

Extending a long-term residence permit

It is always necessary to check the validity of your long-term residence permit. If the validity of your permit card is to expire soon, you should extend it at the OAMP MV ČR. It is necessary to submit an application for an extension of the long-term residence permit 120 days prior to the end of the validity of the existing long-term residence permit or the long-term visa and at the latest day of the validity of the visa or the residence permit.

If you want to extend your stay in the Czech Republic, you have two options:

  1. PERSONALLY - Contact or call personally the infoline of the MOI at +420 974 801 801 to arrange an appointment at the OAMP in Přerov.
  2. BY POST - This possibility is only for extending of your current long-term residence permit without any changes.

Send complete documentation in registered mail, including the sale of revenue stamps, and a copy of your passport. By submitting your application, your obligation is fulfilled and your stay in the Czech Republic is legal. Five days afterward, write an e-mail to, stating your name, surname, and date of birth and asking them to communicate the reference number of your application. This number will allow you to track your application online.

Address for sending the documents:

Ministerstvo vnitra ČR - Odbor azylové a migrační politiky 

Address U Výstaviště 3183/18, 750 02 Přerov
Office Hours Monday and Wednesday: 8 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday and Thursday: 8 AM to 12 PM
Friday: Upon the Invitation
Telephone +420 974 801 801

Extending the long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research

a) Check whether your employment contract will be prolonged.

b) Required Documents:

  • Hosting agreement (original in Czech),
  • Written commitment to cover the costs (original in Czech),
  • Filled in and signed application form,
  • The sale of revenue stamps in the value of 2500 CZK,
  • Proof of Accommodation (officially verified copy of the Czech original),
  • copy of all the pages in your passport with record.

Extending the long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification

It is always necessary to check the validity of your long-term residence permit (family reunification). If the validity of your permit card is to expire soon, you should extend it at the OAMP MV ČR.

Required documents:

Bridging label

The employee receives a bridging label when submitting the documents for the extension. It allows them to travel abroad and even outside of the borders of the EU/EEA or Schengen areas. Its expiration date will depend on the expected date of obtainment of the renewed residency document.

If, for some reason, your bridging label expires before the receiving of the residency document, the employee can apply for a new bridging label through the Ministry of Interior portal. Issue a request, wait for the issuance, and pick up the briding label.

Reporting the changes - Change of Residence

If you decide to move to a new accommodation, you will have to report to changes to MOI within 30 working days. It is a simple process but it will prevent you from any troubles with MOI if you were for example to switch from visa to residence permit or if you were to extend your residency permit. There is no administrative fee for reporting a change of address. 

To report the changes, follow the steps bellow:

  1. Gather the necessary documents - a certified copy of your accommodation contract and the relevant form (in the form, sign "other").
  2. Submit your documents - you can do this either personally after making an appointment online or by phone, or send the documents by post. If you send the documents by post, we recommend calling MOI no later than week after you send the documents to make sure your letter has arrived.

If you want to change your permanent residence, the rules and requisities are slightly different. You can look them up at the MOI portal.

If you were unsure about something, you can always contact us on

Permanent residence

After 5 years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic, foreign nationals can file an application for permanent residence at the MOI office.

Required Documents:

It is possible to undertake the A2 exam at Palacký University. The price is 3 200 CZK and the dates of the exam are listed on the Language Centre webpage. For further information, contact Markéta Dluhošová.

The requirements for the application should not be older than 180 days except for the travel document, the birth certificate, the document demonstrating the requisite knowledge of the Czech language, and the photograph of the foreign national if it corresponds to his/her actual appearance.

Leaving the country

If you finish your research or decide to end your employment contract and leave the Czech Republic, there are certain actions you should undertake.

All foreign nationals are obliged to:

  • close your bank account
  • terminate your lease contract
  • return the employee card and health insurance card to the HR department
  • return your long-term residence card – send it to the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy Olomouc by post
  • deregister from the register of payers of the waste collection fee

When leaving your job, you will get:

  • Confirmation of participation in the pension system
  • Employment certificate

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