EU Employees

Before arrival

Citizens of the EU/EEA and Switzerland have the same legal status as Czech residents. No distinction is made between long-term and short-term stays, and there is no need to apply for any permit to work in the Czech Republic.

Upon arrival

If you are a new employee of Palacký University you have certain obligations towards local authorities as well as towards the university as an employer. It is only necessary to register the stay at the Foreign Police Department if the stay is intended to be longer than 30 days. If the stay in the Czech Republic will be longer than 3 months, it is advised to apply for a registration certificate.

During residency

After 5 years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic, it is possible to apply for a permanent residence permit.

Reporting the changes - Change of Residence

If you decide to move to a new accommodation, you will have to report to changes to MOI within 30 working days. It is a simple process but it will prevent you from any troubles with MOI if you were for example to switch from visa to residence permit or if you were to extend your residency permit. The administrative fee is 200 CZK. 

To report the changes, follow the steps bellow:

  1. Gather the necessary documents - a certified copy of your accommodation contract and the relevant form (in the form, sign "other").
  2. Submit your documents - you can do this either personally after making an appointment online or by phone, or send the documents by post. If you send the documents by post, we recommend calling MOI no later than week after you send the documents to make sure your letter has arrived.

If you want to change your permanent residence, the rules and requisities are slightly different. You can look them up at the MOI portal.

If you were unsure about something, you can always contact us on

Permanent Residence

After 5 years of continuous residence in the Czech Republic, foreign nationals can file an application for permanent residence at the MOI office.

Required Documents:

It is possible to undertake the A2 exam at Palacký University. The price is 3 200 CZK and the dates of the exam are listed on the Language Centre webpage. For further information, contact Markéta Dluhošová.

The requirements for the application should not be older than 180 days except for the travel document, the birth certificate, the document demonstrating the requisite knowledge of the Czech language, and the photograph of the foreign national if it corresponds to his/her actual appearance.

Leaving the country

If you finish your research or decide to end your employment contract and leave the Czech Republic, there are certain actions you should undertake.

All foreign nationals are obliged to:

  • close your bank account
  • terminate your lease contract
  • return the employee card and health insurance card to the HR department
  • return your long-term residence card – send it to the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy Olomouc by post
  • deregister from the register of payers of the waste collection fee, etc.

When leaving your job, you will get:

  • Confirmation of participation in the pension system
  • Employment certificate

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