Doktorandské konference
Níže najdete pozvánky na vybrané konference určené především studujícím doktorských studijních programů. Další přednášky a akce vhodné pro doktorandky a doktorandy pořádané Univerzitou Palackého najdete ve speciálním kalendáři akcí pro studující doktorského studia.
6th International Conference of PhD Students of Nursing Study Programs

May 22–23, 2025, Palacký University Olomouc
The 6th International Conference of PhD Students of Nursing Study Programs is an annual event organized collaboratively by PhD students from universities in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, and Hungary. This conference serves as a platform for doctoral students in nursing to present their research, exchange ideas, and foster international collaboration within the field of nursing science.Each year, the conference is hosted by one of the participating universities, rotating among the organizing countries. The event provides an opportunity for PhD students to network with peers, gain insights from international perspectives, and receive feedback on their research from experts and fellow participants.
Further details including the programme and registration on the conference website.